Blessing for a Therapist
“A blessing is a circle of light drawn around a person to
protect, heal, and strengthen. Life is a constant flow of emergence.
The beauty of a blessing is its belief that it can affect what unfolds.”
- John O'Donohue
We are so deeply grateful for you, for your choice to engage in this healing work, and for the community of therapists with whom we get to share the daily triumphs and trials of this path. Thank you for your good work in our world. It is an honor to help support you as you support so many others.
It is in this spirit of gratitude and with an intention of cultivating a heartspace for peace and healing that we offer you a humble Blessing for a Therapist. May you take in these words with a deep breath, and awareness of how the care you offer sends so many healing ripples out into our world.
Blessing for a Therapist
By Carryn Lund, LMSW, RYT
May you simply offer whatever healing you can today.
May you allow your breath to be your companion through the day
...and may you turn affectionately towards your breath.
May the darkness that you encounter be an ever-present reminder of the importance of light.
May you remember that you are a light.
May you share your light.
...may you borrow light from a trusted soul when you need to.
May hard edges remind you to be soft.
...may you remember that soft does not mean weak, nor permeable.
May you observe your own limits.
...may you grow.
May you go slow.
May you meet pain or difficulty with an open heart, gently observing the opportunity for growth.
May you be love.
May you be light.
May you, be you.
Take a moment to savor how this blessing lands for you. What might soften or shift: your body your judgments your emotions?
Rest here feeling supported and affirmed, with our gratitude for you.